Thursday, November 24, 2011

Those Darn Oreo Turkeys!

Okay, so I don't know about you, but I am addicted to Pinterest an interactive site for creative people to share neat finds and nifty diy projects with not-so-creative people such as myself.  I highly recommend this site - it's pretty awesome.  HOWEVER... it's rather addictive so should you decide to enter the Pinterest world... consider yourself warned!  

Quite honestly, I love this place of eclectic creativity.  I login and my head swims with all these... IDEAS!  These awesome ideas that I think... "Now, why didn't I think of that?!?  So easy... I mean look at that tutorial or step by step blog... I can do that!"  Pinterest make me feel way more creative than I actually am.

Which brings me the Title of this post.

Whilst browsing Pinterest (feeling more and more creative by the minute) I came across these Thanksgiving Oreo Turkeys! and I thought to myself... I can do that!  

And the truth is... I can.  But lets just take a moment to note the time of this post.  2:41.  That's right, it is 2:41 in the morning!  What I thought (and what the blog I got this from lead me to believe) would take an hour tops took me roughly 2 1/2 hours to complete!  And I am not actually completely done!  Now, in the blogger's defense I didn't actually read the whole thing as I am much more of a picture person combined with skimming, so she may very well mention that it is a tedious and time consuming project and I just didn't get the memo.  

Nevertheless, it was quite the fiasco and I documented the hole thing.  Pictures to come soon for your viewing pleasure.  But, for now, I am going. to. bed.

:) Bianca

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lets get this started!

Hello Everybody... or Nobody :)

I'll keep this short and sweet.

Everyone wants a place where their words are heard (even if they're never ever read); where their feelings and thoughts are expressed and mean something; where they can excite in their accomplishments, chuckle at their attempts, and (at times) lick the wounds of their failures.

Simply. This is mine.
